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TimberFever Featured in Urban Toronto

Urban Toronto writes about TimberFever Design-Build Competition:

A number of factors are driving interest in wood-frame construction in the Greater Toronto Area, with changes to the Ontario Building Code now allowing taller wood-frame buildings, and a growing understanding of the medium’s sustainability leading to a resurgence in its use. Along with our already busy construction sector, the new interest in wood means that there are more jobs than ever for carpenters. The Carpenter’s and Allied Workers Union is feeling the pressure and aiming to recruit more workers to meet the growing demand. This weekend, Local 27 will be one of the teams participating in a reality television-style design-build competition that aims to capitalize on the fun.

Hosted by Ryerson’s Department of Architectural Science in partnership with Moses Structural Engineers, “TIMBERFEVER” invites students from several universities across the province to participate in a four-day challenge to design and construct a wooden structure based on an assigned design challenge, set to take place this weekend on Gould Street in the Ryerson campus.

While the challenge was only open to Ryerson students during previous years, the scope of TimberFever has doubled in size after being opened up to students from the University of Toronto, Carleton, Laurentian, Queen’s, and Waterloo. Each competing team will consist of a mix of Architectural Science and Civil Engineering students, with architects, engineers and representatives from the Carpenters’ District Council of Ontario serving as mentors.

Click here for the original article.

Click here to see the 2017 TimberFever Winners.