On October 29, Dr. David Moses from Moses Structural Engineers was called upon by the House of Commons Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) Committee to speak on Advancements in Home Building Technologies, alongside Carol Philips from Moriyama Teshima Architects.
Dr. Moses’ testimony focused on highlighting the importance of the testing and approvals process in Canada and how strategic investments by the government can make an impact on the construction industry.
“Even though code [changes] may take a while, many buildings were built in that period thanks to the government investments in commercial and academic research, as well as the efforts of many companies like our own, who were willing to put their time and money into research and development. Once the building code does change, of course, the doors open for many others to adopt these new ideas with less cost and less risk.”
Dr. Moses also notes “strategic investments by government do work. Easy access to research and development funding for manufacturers and consultants has a direct impact on getting the products to market before the codes change. Those demonstration projects become inspiration for others, and become a living example that other people can visit, touch and see for themselves.”
Watch the full clip on the Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities online stream here.