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TimberFever at Mass Timber Orientation Event

Shanuja Nagarathinam at Local 27 Carpenters Union training facility. Image courtesy of Daniel Ciufo.

After a successful second year of hosting TimberFever virtually, we were invited to give a presentation during the mass timber orientation event and panel at the Local 27 Carpenter Union’s training facility in late November. Shanuja Nagarathinam from Moses Structural Engineers spoke about the competition, its impact on students getting started in the industry, and the importance of safely gaining hands-on experience with the help of skilled trade workers. Leading industry engineers, architects, developers, and carpenters gathered for the event.

Urban Toronto writes;

“At the event, there was a space to learn about TimberFever, a design-build competition presented by Moses Engineers and hosted by Ryerson University. The competition gets students in architecture and engineering courses to collaborate on a project. At the end, there is a cash prize to be won.”

Typically hosted in person, TimberFever 2021 saw students from across Canada and the United States from 13 universities compete virtually over the course of 4 days for a second year due to COVID-19 restrictions. This year’s competition required students to design a Timber Pedestrian Bridge. Teams were directed to pick a theme relating to society and nature to inspire their design. The virtual model of Ryerson University’s Gould Street in downtown Toronto had flooded streets that teams used to design pedestrian bridges to cross over. 2021 winners for the competition have been announced and can be viewed in this year’s virtual village here.

We’d be happy to have you part of TimberFever 2022. If you are interested in getting involved in next year’s competition, send us an email at [email protected].